A few weeks ago I asked my social media followers: what do you want?! 

While I knew y’all were keen for a bargain your answers also told me you’re keen for more styling advice, learning to re-style items and more everyday/casual looks. Seriously, THANK YOU for the feedback! Keep it coming! I love answering your questions and creating content that genuinely help you guys out, so just ask :).
One question that kept popping was what to wear this summer that wasn’t the tried and tested short-short. Now, I have nothing against the classic cut-offs, especially of the One Teaspoon variety, but they mightn’t be for every one. Read on for my picks- all on sale btw 😉
1. Pretty pleated midi skirts. (wearing H&M skirt below)

2. Comfy culottes. (Wearing Glassons culottes below)

3. If you MUST have your shorts: mix up the cut by picking tailored or loose.

November 15, 2016

style advice: 3 alternatives to short-shorts this summer.